

A Costa Rican Paradise - Without Walls!

People have long talked about living in a home with glass walls, but how about NO walls?

I found this home on twitter, courtesy of @nytimes and @CountryLiving.

After going through the pictures several times, I just can't get over it.

Living on the edge of a centuries old rainforest in a home where you require no walls!

Can you imagine?

We are dead-bolted and alarm-protected, every nook and cranny sealed tight lest the smallest amount of oxygen should leak in.. and these guys are living without WALLS.

I really need to re-think my life!

Here you are, just be warned, this may cause some folks to quit their jobs and go live on a beach somewhere... and I may be one of them...

Although they do have a small food storage room, 
the majority of this families food comes directly out of their garden..

Who needs a tv when this is your view...

This will do for adquate bathroom ventilation..

The Pinto Family

What a magical place to live...

til next time...


  1. gorge! when i go to costa rica all i want to do is BE OUTSIDE so this is super dreamy to me. i would have high hopes of befriending a monkey if i was living all jungley with no walls.

  2. Never been, it's on the bucket list! I've been walking around here all day glaring at the walls :)


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