

Sanctuary: A Sleeping Porch

As a child, I slept on the back deck on a cot many a night...
bewitched by the stars and the cool night air.

Now I really prefer a comfy bed, and a few less mosquitos,
so sleeping porches have me entranced.

The happy hippy swinging variety :)

Layering fabrics and textures adds warmth that you can both see and feel.

hanging bed - decks porches patios furniture


Porch Party!

All the romantic comfort you could want..


Love this! Simplicity rules.. and soft landing spot for "bare naked feet", as my Coco calls them..

OOH, soft and pretty.. I'm ready to dive in :)

bed porch

What wonderful dreams you would have here..

metropolitan home

Is a sleeping porch on your wish list?

After putting in a new garden out front this morning,
 I'm fighting the urge to head out to my own porch -
 there's may be no bed but that little rattan loveseat with the pillows and blanket are calling my name...
Instead I'm working on a little art for the new powder room,
 then I can show you the transformation that's been going on in there...

Have a lovely afternoon, all!

til next time..


  1. Anonymous15.6.10

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  2. just happened upon your blog for the first time and spent almost an hour here! love online beds and mattresses


hearing your thoughts is my favourite part of blogging..