

A Simple Way to Bring Your Favourite Art Home

Way back I did a post about Kathe Fraga.
She is a wonderfully talented painter who "lives and paints in a 100-year-old stone house by the sea"
and creates beautifully rich Chinoiserie panels that resemble aged frescos -
 they are layered with vibrant color.

Well, although an original won't be in the budget anytime soon, 
I have just ordered a set of her greeting cards
and am going to frame them for the green room.

Aren't they pretty? I've never been much of a floral girl, but the color is so lush, I adore these.

A large grouping will have some of the effect of a large painting..
can't wait for them to arrive!

If you'd like a set, visit here.
To read more about Kathe, visit her blog
she is a rather creative writer, 
and her posts always add a bit of happy to my day.

til next time..


  1. Those are gorgeous! And what a brilliant idea to buy the greeting cards and frame them up. They'll look lovely all grouped together.

  2. Guess what--your post "way back" was one of the first ones that sucked me into your blog! I re-posted some of her work because I loved it soooo much. My friend Rachel even e-mailed back and forth with Kathe looking for a gallery to buy her work.

    Please post a photo of your framed cards when they are up!
    happy weekend,


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