Did you know that the back to school market is a $68 billion dollars industry?
Dorm supplies make up at least $4 billion dollars of this total.
Thats a lot of flokati rugs :)
If you're decorating one of these tiny spaces, you may not want to spend a fortune,
because chances are everything in it will have to be burned by the end of the year!
But who wants to live in the fuschia and black nightmare I keep seeing marketed toward college students?
I thought I'd go looking for some clever, original diy ideas for student spaces.
First thing, I got distracted by the dorm of Maximilian.
This is not ultra affordable, but damn it's gorgeous!!
Attending Drew University in Madison, New Jersey,
he interns for Charlotte Moss and has spent summers working with David Easton.
The ultra-preppy space he created is completely unexpected.
Walls are painted Ralph Lauren's Tapestry Green,
then given the gallery treatment.
Oriental carpets layer the floor,
a black watch skirted console functions as a perch for a tv,
while a tray table tucked in alongside offers a tiny bar space.
Ties offer up a witty take on wall decor, while solving the storage issue.
A vintage dresser is styled in a manner that would not be out of place in an english manor -
including matching lamps with chinoiserie paper shades, an orchid, crystal and books
layered under a gold rimmed mirror and classic art prints.
W O W.
He has his own design business, and I'm quite sure it will be a smashing success.
Okay, back on track :)
If you are more indie than prep,
and want something a bit less traditional,
there are heaps of really easy ideas out there that go beyond new bedding..
Walls of sticky notes paint samples, photos, postcards...
A mishmash of posters becomes an art installation when grouped around a typography bit.
The easiest way to upgrade a standard headboard?
Drape a blanket over it!
No headboard?
Make one out of photo's spray glued to foam board,
or just cut one from whiteboard and call it a day.
A screen doesn't have to be attached to the wall,
and these work double duty as headboard and storage,
or headboard and art.
Dress up a paper lantern with coffee filters or crepe paper...
re-use some favourite old tins,
or play with string lights.
Almost makes you want to hit the books again, doesn't it?
Hope your'e all enjoying the quiet this week has brought :)
I know next week we'll be missing the darlings, but for now, basking in a bit of silence.... xo

What a great post! OK, first off... I dream of my sons someday being preppy and stylish like Maximilian. I mean, how amazing would it be to have a son who can decorate like that! Crazy! Second... I love all of your dorm room diy's. When I was in university we plastered our entire living room with photos cut out of magazines. It made a huge impact and was such a great conversation piece. Plus, it was fun to add to through the year. OMG... you have me feeling all nostalgic about university days... WAY too much fun in my case!
Is it really a dorm if you're allowed to paint and hang frames? The walls of my dorms were cinder blocks. I do wish I had had any thought about decorating back then. Your ideas are all wonderful!
Wow many fabulous ideas here..my boys dorm rooms sure look nothing like these but boy I got some great ideas! Makes me want to go back to college!!
I shared this on Facebook. Well done! :)
awesome post darl, i know i'm going to need some of these ideas when i move into the renovators delight in a few weeks!! xx
Wow, that dorm is amazing. My hot pink and white scheme from 10 years ago is a sad reminder of the days before I had good taste.
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