When I started this blog, I wasn't entirely sure what would become of it..
I certainly never expected that the blog would lead me to meet
so many talented and delightful people.
I have been honoured when someone found my post interesting enough to comment..
the positivity that floats throughout the blogosphere is unbelievable -
talk about a support network.
It's a bit of a relief to know that other people are so passionate about the same things I am :)
Some of you wonderful ladies have even featured some of my projects,
I'm talking about you - thank you so much.
(I'd send this award on over your way but I'm told it's for the relatively unknown bloggers)
One of the most fantabulous people I have met is Sharon of Layers and Layers.
Sharon is a great commenter, always interested in what's floating around out there -
and she has often made my day with her friendly words and entertaining viewpoints.
Sharon and her partner Yvonne recently received the beautiful blogger award,
and have passed the honour on to me -
you guys are too sweet!
Pop over and read their post -
I guarantee you'll leave with a smile on your face and a new blog to follow..
So now it's my turn.. the 10 things you didn't know about 10 Rooms...
1. I have lived in 17 different homes. 14 after the age of 18, when I left home. I've never actually counted that out before... um, I swear I am not a compulsive mover, LOL. It has been one year and three days since the last move, and we are staying in this one, really :)
2. I am not really much of a cook. I do like eating.. but the hours it takes to prepare something really fabulous? Um, no. D. is a prince and frequently turns up at dinner with yummy take-out or offers to BBQ.. and has never, even once, grumbled when I have forgotten about dinner altogether, tee hee..
3. I once lived in a VW van for two months. It was an adventure that had no schedule, and when we reached Tijuana we felt like it was either commit to a huge trip or head back home... the lure of a stove and a hot shower every day was too much to bear. We met some compadres (BC), crazies (New Mexico), pretty amazing surfer dudes (Cali, of course) and saw a side of the human nature that we are never likely to forget.
4. I can be found riding around on jetskiis, snowmobiles, and dirt bikes. I love the speed. Growing up with three brothers brings out the adreneline lover in you.
5. I am a cryer. Coke commercials, ballet recitals, you name it - I cry. Sometimes it's a bit embarrassing - in the line at the grocery store, for example :) I wasn't always like this - some super-sweet guy altered me in ways I wasn't prepared for - x
6. I have dreams about decorating. Is that scary? Choosing colors, putting up wallpaper.. puh-lease tell me I am not the only one?!!
7. I love to fly! I can't understand the fear some people experience when flying. Flying means travelling, that means new vistas, adventure.. grab the suitcases and go!! I am on a super-high when boarding a plane, I think it's actually a little annoying - D?!
8. I am a tea junkie. Orange pekoe, chai, licorice, hell, I'll even try that crazy puerh tea.. if it's brewable I've probably drunk it.. This is an improvement from my bartending days.. when it wasn't so much tea I was subsisting on LOL
9. I am stubborn to the point of ridiculousness. Once I start on a course of action, there really isn't much point trying to stop me. I cheekily justify this craziness by quoting Thomas Edison:
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that do not work."
10. I really do not like being the center of attention. I prefer one-on-one conversations to big parties, and time with my family to just about anything else...
so on that note..
I am saying thanks again to the lovely Sharon and Yvonne and passing this award on to a few people you should get to know if you don't already, 'cause they're great:
Jules of The Diversion Project always finds the most beautiful spaces, bits and bobs - plus I like her :)
Mary of Mary, Mary Culinary is a dear soul, who has travelled all over this planet, teaching, but actually trained as a chef and can whip up ridiculously delectable treats without much effort at all..
Sally of Divine Distractions is changing it up at her place, and always gathers fab eye candy to muse over..
Poppy of Project Gadabout always makes me smile, and usually makes me laugh, sometimes hysterically..
Today I finally took pics of Coco's turquoise and pink bedroom, it was a wee bit behind schedule because of all the cleaning that was required to be able to photograph her little hideaway..
and lasted for about five minutes after I was done :)
I'll post them tomorrow.
til next time..
Today I finally took pics of Coco's turquoise and pink bedroom, it was a wee bit behind schedule because of all the cleaning that was required to be able to photograph her little hideaway..
and lasted for about five minutes after I was done :)
I'll post them tomorrow.
til next time..
Really loving these posts, and yes, Sharon definitely is a ray of sunshine to us all.
Thanks for sharing your 10 things, adore the chance to get to know you more. (And yes, decorating in dreams is the norm in my eyes, wouldn't have it otherwise)
such a lovely post . . . and thank you for your kinds words . . . I feel like I got to see a little private piece of you with this blog . . . great that you did it! Thanks for doing us proud!
Amazing post with gorgeous pictures. I'm happy to know there is another tea junkie out there... though I must admit I love cocktails just a little more. Ohh and thank you so much for the lovely words about Project Gadabout!!
You are such a sweetie! I really enjoyed reading that, even though I knew a few of those things already! I haven't had any time to blog lately, but I'm back in Ottawa now, so hopefully soon... Can't wait to see C's room.
Thank you!
Whoo Hoo!! Thanks so much for passing on the Beautiful Blogger award to me and Divine Distractitons! I can't wait to put my post together and share the award with others. What a cool idea! It was really fun reading about you...was a little surprised about the motorcycles! You've been a great blogging friend, and I'm excited to know more about you. Thanks again, Anne Marie!
Man, thanks heaps Anne Marie, that's so cool. Such kind words too, thank you.
loved that you've done a stint in a VW van, i think everyone should!
Your blog is simply amazing and I enjoy visiting it often. Congrats on the award which is so deserving. Your content is fresh and full of color. Keep it up!
Such beautiful images Anne-Marie! I love your post...thanks for sharing a peak into what makes you, you!
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