A few years ago I had no idea what blogging was all about.
No twitter account, no linked in account, and my Facebook was checked monthly, if at all.
Oh, how life changes!
After three years of refusing to pay huge amounts of cash, I finally got the dot com for 10 Rooms - success!
I was checking each day to see if it became available, and one day, poof - there it was...
I'm going to set up a wordpress site, and am trying to decide if I should move the blog over there, as well.
Do you think an integrated site and blog are more effective?
I think the less clicks to a destination, the better!
Also, a blog format will certainly be easier to update, and add portfolio pics to....
In any case, I have today off, and am spending the day learning wordpress -
which will require a few hours of shopping and be-sparkling of some objects around the house
to decompress, I'm sure....

Congrats on the dot com for 10 Rooms. You have a wonderful blog and I agree that less clicks around is a good idea. Have fun learning Wordpress :-)
Congratulations on the dot com!
I tried word press and felt like a complete moron. I prefer the ease of use with blogger.
I'll follow you wherever you go (not in a stalker kind of way, in an admiration kind of way LOL).
Yay! That's exciting news!!
I don't have much insight on wordpress for you, but good luck :)
hope you share your process as I am want to switch things up, but think I will stay in blogger - I am way to inept to work in wordpress!
So So Clever
Yay! Good luck with learning wordpress. It isn't too difficult once you get used to it.
I started one blog on blogspot, and then I decided to create my own free wordpress blogging platform (at blogzam.com) so people can have a free wordpress blog that they can post ads on (because you can't put ads on wordpress.com blogs, but not everyone wants to pay for their domain/hosting).
So I made my own (onehouseonecouple) blog on my blogzam.com website. It's kinda cool. I just decided to make blogzam public and a couple people have already created their wordpress blogs on blogzam :)
I was wondering how you may be able to transfer all your blog posts to your new wordpress dot com site and then just have your 10rooms.blogspot.com redirect to your new website/blog automatically so there are no double clicks to get to your new blog. I haven't figured out how to do that yet, but I am pretty sure it's possible. Just gotta do your research...
A great collection of photos. Great blog, your an inspiration!!
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