Yesterday was gorgeous here.. and the kids and I decided it was a beach day.
We are fortunate to be living next to a plethora of lakes and a few smashing beaches..
At least one luminous shell or intriguing bit of driftwood always finds it's way into the car..
The girls have insisted on using these to decorate their shared bath,
so I have been looking for interesting ways to display beach treasures.
We made one of these:

This is classic.. but a tad expected
I like the idea of having the girls create some art with them.
Er, this may make 3 am trips to the loo a bit frightful!
Love this shell installation - a simple, sculptural look..
More subtle use: trim on curtains..
More excessive use: as a wallcovering!
Can you imagine?!!
I think I prefer accents!
This one, however, is stunning..
These bottle stoppers are unusual (so I like them :)
and of course, no shell post would be complete without mention of the classic shell chandelier -
but here it's made chic by my all-time favourite designer, Muriel Brandolini -
is there anything this woman cannot do?
I've gotten so carried away with shells that I've not really included any driftwood pics now, have I?!
I did do a post on some spectacular driftwood once..
Do you have beachy bits in your home?
How do you display them?
This is how I do it!
I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?
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