Last year I decided to begin collecting (and reading!) the classics,
with the hope that building a family library will encourage my darlings to read them in later years.
I stumbled on a list of the "must-reads" one day and
realized my literary world was shockingly lacking.
Apparently, Apartment Therapy's Big Book and The Selby in Your Space haven't made the list yet,
although they are definitely required reading in my books - yours?!
So the reading/collecting began.
Found vintage copies of The Iliad and The Odyssey (bound in pea green :)
and was happily immersed in Penelope and Ulysses love.
The Twilight Series followed,
which aren't really on the list but I justified because Natasha wanted to read them,
and I always read her books first to make sure they are appropriate.
Which means we also read the entire Harry Potter series this year!
Plowed through The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and
the Complete Tales and Poems by Edgar Allen Poe
although they are completely not my cup of tea.
I must admit, those required healthy doses of art and design books sprinkled in...
Reminisced with Holden Caulfield and Heathcliff..
read and re-read Memoirs of a Geisha, and re-read A Woman of Substance,
both of which are on my required reading list.
Then I began The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.
Some progress was beginning to be made on that front by the holidays.
I was planning a bit of a break this year,
thinking that perhaps I could alternate years of design books and classics...
then the kids gave my their presents.
Each picked out by them.
The Complete Works (see a trend here?!)
of Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, and Arthur Conan Doyle.
Okay :)
If you are interested in putting together your own library,
til next time..
You are on your way to building a nice library of books. I like what you've been reading especially the Harry Potter series :-) The photos of some libraries are lovely and encouraging!
Wow- jealous of your reading this year- well done! And do you have a daugther Natasha? I do too and she is all about Harry Potter:) A great resolution that I would very much like to follow!
What a collection! Such classics too! We are all avid readers here and our shelves are full of books!
Fab idea!! I definitely need to start reading some of the classics, but there's always some new book waiting to be read first haha
Just finished The Swan Theives by Elizabeth Kostova and it was great! And Harry Potter is always a good read :)
This is such a great idea. I would love to do the same as well. Thank you for the suggestions :)
What a fantastic collection. I may have to add rereading the classics as one of my resolutions!!
Lovely libraries! The last one's the best! Have a wonderful day, Kellie xx
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