Remember string art?
I am probably really dating myself here, but at one point
almost everyone I knew had some hideous version of a schooner or the like hanging in their rec room.
But I found a crafter on Etsy that is bringing string art to a new level.
I give you... California.
some witty examples for a kids room....
or the kitchen...
(mangia means eat in Italian, and it was the first Italian word I learned growing up :)
I don't know if you ever dined with a large group of Italians,
but always, ALWAYS, you are being urged to "mangia, mangia!")
Anyhoo, pretty cool take on string art, no?
How many of you are already thinking about that extra bit of wood in the garage,
plotting out a project?
I know I am!

I have never seen this sort of thing before
These are so very cool! Thanks for sharing them! Have a great weekend! :)
Too funny, the cottage we stayed at this summer had a big lobster string art and a virgin Mary...not quite my style, especially as they were not mounted on wood, but these examples are quite cool.
So much better than back in the day! I love the moose! Thanks for sharing!
Wow...they look fab! I can't imagine how long it would take to create such detailed string art...definitely a new level!
Suzie xx
My in-laws had one of the cheesy ducks ones on their wall for ages. These new ones are executed so much better. Thanks for sharing.
This is so cool. I wonder how hard it would be to do it at home?
love these!!! thanks for sharing!
I am in LOVE with this idea! A much cooler take on the retro versions!
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