
yay or nay: pinterest

Oh, how it pains me to write this post. I've seen this going around pinterest the last little bit, but was ignoring it, because I didn't want my blissful pinterest addiction to come to a halt. Have you read the article this links to? It makes you take a closer look at the policies we all skimmed over in 2.3 seconds flat while gleefully rubbing our hands together that we were onboard this amazing site, with it's plethora of jaw-dropping images, and links to everything that we need to know about RIGHT THIS SECOND :)

Here are the highlights of the article....

Point of contention No. 1 -  Pinterest reserves the right to use every image we upload of our own in ANY WAY they please. That once we upload an image, it becomes their property. Not cool.

Point of contention No. 2 - We, the users, are legally responsible should someone sue interest over their images being used without their permission. That means while we may be pinning things to try and give an artist/blogger/designer exposure, or at the very least, appreciation - if they decide we have violated their rights by pinning the image WE, not pinterest are liable for damages.

I'm very sad to say that if the pinterest-powers-that-be don't re-think this, I will be one of the deserters - no amount of eye candy is worth being sued over. That's a bit of a bummer, because after pinterest I don't know if I can go back to google images, sorting throughout three thousand crappola photos trying to find just one that is blog-worthy.... for example, a wallpaper search on both....

Anyhow, some food for thought, right?  Thought you may want to check it out, lovelies...

As of Wednesday morning I will be enroute to the sunshine, and I have a couple of posts for you, and then the sweetest six bloggers are going to be visiting here, with six Crushing on Colour posts - hope you'll come by and leave them a comment - because their posts are bee-utiful.... have a fabulous few weeks, catch you all on the flip side... xo

pinterest 1 2 3 4 5  Pin It Now!


Jennifer S. said...

I don't currently have an account on pinterest but that is very interesting to know. Its unfortunate that now and days no one wants to take responsibility for anything and everyone is afraid of being sued for everything they are worth.....


Unknown said...

Did not realize all of this! Definitely some food for thought....really hope Pinterest mans up and changes it though. If enough people complain, they should. Isn't that what happened to some of the terms of Facebook?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Anne-Marie, this is really disturbing and I didn't realise it either. I am with you; I love using Pinterest but as an artist, I want to keep ownership of my own images.

Everybody is suing everybody these days - from a creative point of view, I get it...but from a creative point of view also, I don't want to have to get it. Not many people violate Copyright to cause havoc. What a shame.

Poor form, Pinterest.

lisaroy said...

This is one of the reasons why I haven't jumped onboard with Pinterest. I was turned off when I found out that I had to go through Facebook or Twitter to join. While I can't control what gets pinned from my blog, at least I can control what I do myself. Thanks, but I'll pass.

Kerry Steele- Design du Monde said...

Ugh. I did not realize this either and I have pinned my own artwork.

I don't mean this as criticism but I found it hilarious/ironic that there is a "Pin it" button at the bottom of the post.

Holly said...

I'm so Yay! for Pinterest - but those terms are not cool. Not cool at all. Thanks for passing the information along. I will have to follow what happens and think about this too :( It would be sad to close my account.

Best wishes on your trip!

Jo @ In Corners of My Mind said...

I am with you Anne-Marie I saw this last week and followed the link back to the full policies document, which I would advise everyone do, so they can read it for themselves.
Another little tid bit of info on point number 1...when they say they have the right to the images you pin that includes the right to sell that image...so link that to point number two and if Pinterest decided to sell an image I had pinned and the original owner of that image found out and decided to sue...they'd be sueing me...not Pinterest who sold the image. I am beyond sad about it. I am waiting it out but in the meantime I am making sure the link backs are correct and live on all of my pins, and if I use one of my pins in a post now, I link both to my pin board and the original location of the image... or the location it was pinned from rather.
You'd be surprised at how many pins I had to delete.

Janelle said...

Yeah. Can't believe it. I'm bummed. I will still pin things on pinterest, but i have definitely had second thoughts about posting images found on pinterest onto my blog, or any other social media outlet. LAME!

Carissa @ the Fabulous Design File said...

Ugh... I've been reading up on this and it doesn't sound good... but I haven't given up my account yet. Your search results are too funny! Such a perfect example of why we all love Pinterest so much! Have a great vacation!

Edwina@FASHION+ART said...

I was very tempted to set up a pinterest account but changed my mind after hearing about all this. Too dicey.

Tobe | BIA said...

I am destroyed by this as well. I've been going back and forth for the last couple of weeks about it and I just don't think the MORAL DISREGARD is cool in the least. I know they're protecting themselves, but still....

What I'm still surprised to see is how many individuals and companies continue to promote the site! I thought most bloggers and blog-affiliated companies would be up in arms about it all.

* sad face *

diane said...

Until the legislature gets this all ironed out there is certainly some risk to posting pics without permission. I agree that these photogs and designers should appreciate the free publicity, they don't. IN the meantime, I only post from folks I have permission from and you will be surprised at how many designers appreciate me even asking and are very happy to receive a link. Lets all keep our fingers crossed and in the meantime, be careful with pinterest. As we all know, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

Anonymous said...

Don't jump the pinterest ship yet. I've read some counter balancing articles that add some needed perspective. You'll find them with a little search. Can't link @ the moment. I just discovered your blog today, love it!
Thanks for sharing.

Princess Fingers Glued Together said...

Yay to pinterest. Anon. is right just read that myself, but didn't pin it so I don't know from where!It is interesting that a design firm has brought this up and generated tons of traffic back to their own firm. Any site can opt out of pinterest (flickr has to some extent) and the part about it belongs to pinterest well, if pinterest decides to use it, I believe the burden would fall back on them (?) It is better than tumblr as far as trying to correctly source an image. I just clicked back over to knoed and they have an update - 450,000 visits, 45,000 pins and an interview with Mr. Silverman coming up. Not bad for 7 words. Marketing genius for them.

Brigita said...

This almost works on every site. They take everything we have, but in the end we are guilty of stealing. Funny, right?

xx Brigita

Giulia said...

The Pinterest debate is interesting to watch and I wrote about post about crediting properly. However also think that much of it has taken on a hysterical tone. People are spreading scaremongering stories about lawsuits against individual users being just around the corner, but I think this is exagerated. As I see it, yes, Pinterest does have some issues. The problem is that the terms shift all responsibility for copyright infringement onto individual users (which , incidentally, is also what Facebook and Tumbler, but they don't seem to be part of the conversation). So yes, we need to have more of a think about what kinds of stuff we post (most bloggers see it as promotion; professional photographers and magazines may see it as theft); and how we pin and how we find the original source. And also bear in mind that before you can institute legal proceedings against somebody for copyright infringement, you usually first have to serve them with a notice to take down the infringing material, and only if they refuse will legal action ensue! So I think a lot of the panic has been blown WAY out of proportion. So, I will keep my boards, I will pin from the original source rather than repin and will credit original source if and when I use the photos on my blog after checking the owners page for their copyright information.

foreverdecorating said...

Boy, have I ever been out of the loop on this. I love Pinterest too, but did you know this happened to me on HGTV's Rate My Space? I showed a picture of my sewing room on MY RMS site and then find it being used in a Better Homes and Garden magazine without them even telling me!!! Oh and yeah, I am one of your newest followers. Come on over and check out my blog.

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

wow, had NO idea. thanks for the info darl, and yes...had to laugh at the search results, i've had a first hand experience of that. google is such a geeky little brother of a designers search engine!! xxxx


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